our expertise

Our clients are movement-builders, local and national nonprofits, city government agencies, and community-based partnerships that care about creating better systems for a more just world. 

We help our clients measurably and manageably tackle complex systems change. And, we do so in a way that centers people, builds relationships, and facilitates relational learning.


Social, cultural, and racial justice movements

Systems change, collective impact, and movement building

Anti-racism, power structures, and DEIBJ (diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice)

Health equity, environmental racism, and food justice

Education and community contexts

Early childhood education

School health and social-emotional learning

Educational equity in K-12 public education

Opportunity youth and re-engagement



Let us nerd out over frameworks. We work with you to lay out a clear roadmap so you can focus on the issues at hand.


Progress moves at the speed of trust. We help to create an inclusive environment for you and your partners to work together in a way that centers people, builds relationships, and facilitates relational learning because we believe we go further together.


Germination unfolds only when we’ve created the necessary conditions in the soil, air, and water. We work with you and your partners to foster connectivity and alignment — necessary conditions — and then we’ll help you to articulate and measure what success looks like and feels like. 

FYI, our focus is partly inspired by the Interaction Institute for Social Change’s Dimensions of Success model.


Data, strategy & design

We help you to engage community voice, embodied knowledge, and cultural history to understand and articulate inequities in your community.

Approaches and tools we utilize:

  • Community needs assessments, landscape analysis, and environmental scans

  • Data equity design, architecture, and implementation

  • Improvement science, continuous improvement 

  • Anti-racist, inclusive design thinking

Learning & evaluation

We coach you to build evaluative muscles and mindsets to illuminate insights for learning and action.

Approaches and tools we utilize:

  • Emergent learning and reflective practice

  • Developmental evaluation, Most Significant Change

  • Ecosystem and social system mapping

  • Place-based systems change evaluation

  • Theory of change, evaluation frameworks

Convening, facilitation & sense-making

We guide you to surface tensions and to navigate spheres of inquiry, discovery, and synthesis. And, we hold space for you and your partners to uncover the root causes of inequities you see in your community and to co-create strategies for collaborative action.

Approaches and tools we utilize:

  • Anti-racist Results-Based Accountability and results-based facilitation

  • Root cause and intersectional power analysis

  • Community data walks and journey mapping

  • Inclusive and participatory facilitation, Liberating Structures 

  • Design thinking, storyboarding, and action planning

  • Strategy design for movement and coalition building

Coaching & thought partnership

We listen for your values, underlying assumptions, and specific context. We’ll hold a mirror up. We’ll ask tough questions. And, we’ll work with you to build your capacity to confront your next big challenge.

Approaches and tools we utilize:

  • Ongoing strategic advising 

  • Strategy design series

  • One-on-one coaching

  • Custom engagement

  • "Trish collaborated with our coalition as we explored new ways to integrate racial equity into StriveTogether's data approach. She was instrumental in leading the research and developing the toolkit that shifted not only our team’s work but also served as a field-building resource. Trish is a thoughtful and collaborative partner with a tenacious commitment to operationalizing racial equity. I am grateful for her partnership."

    Ritika Sharma Kurup, LISW-S, (former) Senior Director of Learning and Activation, StriveTogether

  • "Trish helped us design multiple internal strategy sessions that created space for the HRiA team to pause, assess, and take a deeper look at not only how, but why we do the work. Through her thoughtful approach to systems change and results-based accountability, Trish helped design strategy sessions that were critical to our team’s understanding of mental models, root causes, and actor mapping. Thanks, Trish, for being a great thought partner! We’re happy to be repeat clients to continue our partnership."

    Erika Gaitan, Senior Manager of Community Impact, Health Resources in Action (HRiA)